Category: Employment Policies

Social Media – How to Manage Workers Use of Social Media

Social Media

Social media is here to stay as a business tool and its use continues to evolve. It brings its own benefits and risks to employers, managing reputation and confidentiality being the core risks. Workers can easily tap out some words in anger or frustration and post it before their brain has fully engaged, often not

What are Employment Policies?

Employment policies are those sleep inducing documents, usually given to new recruits to read during their workplace induction. Employment policies are usually wordy and boring documentzzzzzzzzzz, setting out the rules and responsibilities to help maintain compliance with legislation, fairness, order, and make expectations clear in the workplace. This is important information for building a good

What are disciplinary procedures?

Disciplinary procdures

Disciplinary procedures are what an employer follows when an employee is suspected of unacceptable behaviour i.e. being frequently late, falsifying their timesheet, theft, spending too much time on the internet, being verbally abusive, not meeting their performance targets and so on. These examples are what are known as conduct issues. Disciplinary procedures help address these