What are Employment Policies?

Employment policiesEmployment policies are those sleep inducing documents, usually given to new recruits to read during their workplace induction.

Employment policies are usually wordy and boring documentzzzzzzzzzz, setting out the rules and responsibilities to help maintain compliance with legislation, fairness, order, and make expectations clear in the workplace.

This is important information for building a good company culture and maintaining appropriate conduct. The challenge is to make employment policies more engaging, to help encourage staff to read and understand them.

How about approaching your employment policies in a fun way, here’s an example:

Employment Polices





Now look at this version of the same employment policy:

Employment Policies





Which one would you prefer to read?

The following are employment policies a general employer would need at a minimum:
  • Leave (annual, sick, and bereavement leave)
  • Expense Claims
  • Staff Access to their Personnel File
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Inappropriate Behaviour / Harassment
  • Communication with the Media
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Gratuities
  • Alcohol and Drugs
  • House Rules
  • Disciplinary Procedures
  • Health and Safety

At Aureum we create fun and engaging employment policies, so that managers and staff  will more readily read and understand their employment responsibilities.