Psychometric assessments are the best crystal balls I’ve found in the hiring process. Clients often feedback a couple of months into their new hire’s employment “I can’t believe how spot on that psychometric assessment was”.
The best psychometric assessments are based on what psychologist term ‘The Big Five Model’. As these can validly predict future workplace performance, and we use these at Aureum. Our clients can’t believe how bang on they are for predicting ‘on the job’ performance.
Not all psychometric assessments are so good though. Avoid the cheap or free pop psychology ones abundant on the internet.
Why are psychometric assessments based on The Big Five Model so good?
The CV and interview uncover the person’s skills, knowledge, and experience. These are much easier to spot in a structured interview as represented above in the iceberg diagram (found above the waterline). People put their best foot forward and show their sunnier side on their CV and at the interview.
Whereas psychometric assessments discover what is hidden below the waterline and the impact on job performance. Psychometric assessments are predictors of:
1. Mental ability – how fast the person learns and picks things up (will they need lots of training? Have they got the smarts to do the job?)
2.Motivations – whether the person has the motivation for the main part of the job i.e. working with people, or data, or machinery
3.Personality – how their personality will affect their performance i.e. whether they will be a trail blazer or supportive helper, or if they are likely to follow the rules or reinvent them, or if they are happy doing work on their own or need interaction with others, plus much more
The psychometric assessments Aureum uses are benchmarked to each role, a powerful combination. As it benchmarks the specific personality attributes required to be successful in the job you’re hiring for. Like any decision making process the evidence needs to be assessed. Weight the psychometric assessment equally alongside the CV, structured interview, work sample, and reference check. Consistent information must come through all 5 of these to make a good hiring decision. Any inconsistencies equate to a red flag, and further investigation is needed.
Would you like to add a valid predictor of workplace performance to your next hiring decision?
Give Juliette a call to arrange a psychometric assessment, phone 021 444 121 or email info@aureum.co.nz